Gebauer’s Ethyl Chloride Local Anesthesia with a “Frigorific”

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Surg - Gebauer’s Ethyl Chloride Local Anesthesia with a “Frigorific”.png

Gebauer’s Ethyl Chloride Local Anesthesia with a “Frigorific”


Ethyl Chloride is a colorless liquid of low specific gravity that boils at 54 degrees Fahr.  Thus, it remains under constant pressure at room temperature and produces a spray when released.  When properly projected against the skin or mucous membrane, its evaporation is so rapid as to cause local refrigeration/anesthesia, with subsequent loss of nerve sensation.  In combination with Gebauer's Inhaler it provided general anesthesia.  Topical application is often employed where superficial numbing is required as in cases of small tumors, piles and abscesses particularly about the mouth, ear, nose and throat.

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